
 12 Sep 24


The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has partnered with federal and private agencies to educate investors and users about the increasing prevalence of crypto scams, particularly "pig butchering" scams. The partnerships aim to raise awareness about fake investment concepts and prevent pote...

CFTC Announces Partnership to Combat Increased Crypto Scams

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has partnered with federal and private agencies to educate investors and users on the increasing prevalence of crypto scams. The partnerships aim to raise awareness about fake investment concepts, particularly "pig butchering" scams, in an effort to prevent potential scams which are estimated to cost Americans billions annually. The collaboration involves the distribution of educational materials and alerts to help individuals recognize and avoid fraudulent activities.

The CFTC and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have intensified their efforts to regulate the market and address non-compliance, including filing lawsuits against crypto firms. The partnerships involve the American Bankers Association Foundation and the SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy. Regulators continue to tighten the markets against rising crypto scams by bad actors. The United States and global authorities have increased the tempo of regulating the market amid growing scams and non-compliance. Additionally, the FBI has warned against threats of North Korean hackers against Bitcoin ETF issuers.

Per the release, the American Bankers Association Foundation will circulate an infographic to help investors and users recognize potential pig butchering scams. On the other hand, the SEC’s Office for Investor Advocacy and other regulatory agencies will distribute investor alerts on pig butchering, contributing to the ongoing efforts to curb fraudulent activities in the crypto market. The aim is to educate users against cryptocurrency scams, specifically those involving digital asset-based relationship investment scams, which are estimated to cost Americans billions annually.

These efforts underscore the importance of investor education in preventing scams and highlight the collaborative approach between governmental and private entities to protect individuals from falling victim to fraudulent activities within the cryptocurrency space.

More about Emeren Group Ltd

Emeren Group Ltd, develops, builds, operates and sells solar energy projects. The company is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut.


Revenue: 117,374,000

Net Income: None

Earnings per Share: None

Dividend: -0.31

EPS: 1.915

P/E Ratio: -0.163

Shares Outstanding: 103,577,000

Market Cap: 4.38

Beta: -0.924

Volatility: -0.112


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 31 Jan 25
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