
 17 Sep 24


Binance denies ownership or operation of WazirX during the $235 million hack in July 2024. WazirX's CEO blames Binance, which Binance refutes. Binance calls on WazirX to stop misleading users and take responsibility for the lost funds. Binance emphasizes that WazirX is owned and operated by Zanmai L...

Binance has denied ownership or operation of WazirX during the $235 million hack in July 2024, refuting allegations made by WazirX's CEO. Binance has called on WazirX to stop misleading users and take responsibility for the lost funds, emphasizing that WazirX is owned and operated by Zanmai Labs, not Binance.

WazirX's CEO blamed Binance for the hack, which Binance firmly refutes. Binance demands compensation for the affected users and condemns WazirX's misuse of its name in legal agreements. Binance has vehemently denied WazirX’s allegations, stating it never owned or operated the platform during the $235 million hack.

Binance’s response follows claims by WazirX CEO Nischal Shetty that Binance shares responsibility for the security breach. Binance denied any involvement in managing the multisignature wallet holding user funds or the platform’s operations.

After the hack, WazirX customers sent withdrawal requests but the platform was unable to fulfill the demands. WazirX continued to blame Binance, alleging that the ongoing dispute between the two companies contributed to the platform’s vulnerabilities.

Binance stressed that WazirX’s references to it in user agreements were unauthorized and misleading. Despite repeated requests to remove such references, WazirX allegedly used Binance’s name in its legal agreements, creating a false impression of an operational relationship.

Binance called on WazirX’s leadership to take full responsibility for the hack and compensate the affected users without further delay. It criticized Shetty for misleading the public about Binance’s role in WazirX’s operations and remains firm in its stance that it is not liable for the hack.


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 31 Jan 25
 31 Jan 25
 31 Jan 25