
 23 Oct 24


The Avalanche Foundation is collaborating with Visa to launch the Avalanche Card, allowing users to spend crypto at Visa-accepting locations. The card supports WAVAX, USDC, and sAVAX, among others, and offers physical and digital formats, self-custody security, and 24/7 support. It has been introduc...

The Avalanche Foundation has partnered with Visa to launch the Avalanche Card, allowing users to spend crypto at Visa-accepting locations. The card supports WAVAX, USDC, and sAVAX, offering physical and digital formats, self-custody security, and 24/7 support. The initial launch is in Latin America and the Caribbean, with expansion plans in line with Visa's vision for blockchain technology.

The Visa card will support Wrapped AVAX (WAVAX), Circle’s USD-pegged stablecoin USDC, and BENQI Liquid Staked AVAX (sAVAX ) among others. It will be linked to a unique user wallet address, offering custodial control to the user, and will provide Visa customer support and promising security through self-custody. The card has already been introduced in Latin America and the Caribbean, with plans for expansion underway and a waitlist already live.

Cuy Sheffield, the Visa executive in charge of the payments giant’s crypto department, expressed optimism about blockchain's future, drawing parallels between blockchains and the early internet. He sees blockchain technology going through its "broadband moment" and envisions significant potential for blockchain networks and various possible futures.

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As a Technical Analyst with over 25 years of experience in the stock market, my approach is fundamentally data-driven, characterized by a deep dive into market charts, trends, and a wide array of technical indicators such as moving averages, the Relative Strength Index (RSI), and Bollinger Bands.

I utilize terms like 'support and resistance levels,' 'breakouts,' 'head and shoulders pattern,' and indicators of 'bullish or bearish trends' to provide concise, direct commentary that is accessible to both novices and seasoned market watchers.

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Through my expertise, I offer a lens through which to interpret the market's ebb and flow, empowering readers with the knowledge to make informed decisions in a landscape often fraught with uncertainty.

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More about Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corp

Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corp, Tanzanian Gold Corporation is engaged in the exploration and development of mineral property interests in the United Republic of Tanzania. The company is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada.



Market Cap: 115249000

Dividend Yield: None

EPS: None

P/E Ratio: 0

ROE: 0.127

Vol Avg (3m): 36723000

Price: 1.38

Change: 2.549

Change (%): 0.625

More about Youdao Inc

Youdao Inc, an Internet technology company, provides online content, community, communication and commerce services in China. The company is headquartered in Hangzhou, China.



Market Cap: 585643000

Dividend Yield: None

EPS: None

P/E Ratio: -0.16

Stock Price: 48.12

Change: -0.0233

Volume: 5732884000

50-Day Moving Average: 5.44

200-Day Moving Average: 3.683

Relative Strength Index (RSI): 0.095


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 31 Jan 25
 31 Jan 25
 31 Jan 25