
Silicon Valley startup Etched has unveiled Oasis, an AI-generated game allowing players to create and modify virtual environments in real-time. Developed in partnership with Decart AI, the game is a Minecraft clone and is being hailed as the first playable AI-generated game. The demo, showcased on T...

Silicon Valley startup Etched has unveiled Oasis, an AI-generated game allowing players to create and modify virtual environments in real-time. Developed in partnership with Decart AI, the game is a Minecraft clone and is being hailed as the first playable AI-generated game.

The demo, showcased on Twitter, attracted significant interest, causing a surge in traffic. Oasis operates without a traditional game engine, relying on AI to produce each pixel in real time.

The code and weights for Oasis are available on GitHub for developers to explore.

Oasis is the brainchild of Harvard graduate Robert Wachen, co-founder and COO of Etched, and Israel Institute of Technology alum Leitersdorf. As Wachen explained, the duo met in 2022 and were inspired by OpenAI’s GPT-3, and Wachen and Leitersdorf launched Etched and Decart in 2022 and 2023, respectively.

Etched and Decart chose to base the Oasis demo on Minecraft because its open-world environment supports dynamic content, a technical challenge that they wanted AI to overcome.

While the Oasis demo was created using Nvidia’s H100 Tensor Core GPUs, Etched is developing its own chipset, called Sohu, that the company said would be several times faster than Nvidia’s GPU.

Etched and Decart are the latest developers looking to bring “Ready Player One” to reality using AI, including the book's author himself.

Wachen isn’t concerned about the competition, and said the code and weights for Oasis are available on GitHub for developers to examine.


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 30 Jan 25
 30 Jan 25
 30 Jan 25