
Coinbase announced plans to support trading for Gigachad (GIGA) and Turbo (TURBO) meme tokens, leading to immediate price increases of 37% and 15% respectively. Gigachad, a Solana-based token, saw a spike to nearly $700 million in market cap before settling at just over $500 million. Turbo, an Ether...

Coinbase has announced its support for the Gigachad (GIGA) and Turbo (TURBO) meme coins, leading to significant price movements.

Despite having distinct backstories and communities, Gigachad (GIGA) and Turbo (TURBO) tokens have gained traction on Coinbase.

Seven meme coins, including MOG and MOODENG, have been listed or are soon to be listed on the Coinbase exchange, causing price spikes.

Meme coins, based on popular memes or cultural references, have gained popularity and volatility, driving interest in the crypto market.

Following Coinbase's announcement, Gigachad (GIGA) and Turbo (TURBO) experienced immediate price increases of 37% and 15% respectively.

Gigachad (GIGA), a Solana-based token, saw a spike to nearly $700 million in market cap before settling at just over $500 million.

Turbo, an Ethereum-based meme coin, surged over 6,000% this year and reached a market cap of more than $625 million before retracing to $574 million.

Coinbase has added seven new meme coins to its listing in recent weeks, with MOODENG set to start trading soon after being added to the listing roadmap.

Meme coins are known for their volatility and have gained popularity this year, partly due to platforms like making it easier to launch tokens.

Coinbase further signaled its acceptance of meme coins by announcing its intentions to support trading for Gigachad (GIGA) and Turbo (TURBO) on its listing roadmap.

Both GIGA and TURBO tokens saw swift upward price movements, jumping 37% and 15% respectively in the hour after the announcement from the Coinbase Assets account.

Gigachad is a Solana-based token that has risen to prominence this year, with an enthusiastic community of supporters. Turbo, on the other hand, is an Ethereum-based meme coin that was created using a $69 budget and ChatGPT.

The pair makes seven new meme coins listed or soon to be listed on Coinbase’s exchange in recent weeks, following MOG and MOODENG, which Coinbase added to its listing roadmap this week.

Meme coins are tokens typically based on popular memes or cultural references, known for their volatility and risk. They have risen in popularity this year thanks to platforms like


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 30 Jan 25
 30 Jan 25
 30 Jan 25