
President-elect Donald Trump confirmed Paul Atkins’ nomination as the next US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chairman. Atkins, a former SEC Commissioner, is known for advocating free-market principles and investor protection. He is the CEO of Patomak Global Partners and the co-chairman of ...

President-elect Donald Trump confirmed the nomination of Paul Atkins as the new chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Atkins, a former SEC Commissioner, CEO of Patomak Global Partners, and co-chairman of the Digital Chamber’s Token Alliance, is known for his focus on digital assets and free-market principles. His appointment is expected to address regulatory uncertainties in the crypto sector.

Atkins’ nomination came after speculation about potential candidates such as SEC Commissioner Mark Uyeda, former CFTC Chair Heath Tarbert, and other industry figures. Trump emphasized Atkins’ recognition of the importance of digital assets and his commitment to implementing common-sense regulations. As a former SEC Commissioner, Atkins advocated for market transparency and improved financial disclosures.

Prior to his nomination, Atkins was interviewed by Trump's team, amidst rumors of other potential candidates including Brian Brooks, Dan Gallagher, and Hester Peirce. As the co-chairman of the Digital Chamber’s Token Alliance, Atkins is seen as a fitting candidate to address regulatory uncertainties in the digital asset space.


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 30 Jan 25
 30 Jan 25
 30 Jan 25