
Keith Gill, also known as Roaring Kitty and DeepFuckingValue, recently posted an altered version of a Time Magazine cover on social media, causing GameStop's stock price to rise. This follows his previous social media activity that sparked a rally in GameStop shares earlier this year. Gill's influen...

Keith Gill, also known as Roaring Kitty and DeepFuckingValue, sparked a market movement by posting an altered version of a Time Magazine cover on social media. This caused GameStop's stock price to rise, echoing his previous impact on GameStop shares and pet supplies retailer Chewy in the past. Gill, dubbed a "nihilist's Warren Buffet," returned to social media after a three-year absence and is currently under investigation by financial regulators.

GameStop's shares are currently trading at $28.93, up 7% in the past day. Gill's Reddit post from six months ago showed holdings of GameStop shares and cash worth $268 million, down from a peak of $586 million in June. His influence also led to a spike in Solana-based meme coins modeled on GameStop.

Gill's recent social media activity has once again drawn attention to GameStop, reflecting his ongoing impact on the stock market. His previous posts and market influence continue to garner regulatory attention, raising questions about the broader implications of social media activity on stock movements and regulatory oversight.


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 30 Jan 25
 30 Jan 25
 30 Jan 25