
 10 Dec 24


Jupiter's governance has approved a proposal to airdrop $860 million worth of JUP tokens to community voters called Jupuary. Spearheaded by Jupiter founder Meow, the proposal aims to incentivize long-term participation and addresses concerns about excluding speculators and bots. The allocation from ...

Jupiter's governance has approved a $860 million JUP token airdrop to incentivize long-term community participation and strengthen the Jupiverse. The airdrop aims to exclude bots and prioritize genuine, long-term participants, laying the groundwork for sustained growth.

The airdrop represents a strategic move to strengthen the Jupiverse, with plans for initiatives like a token audit, supply burn, and refined platform strategy in the near future. Jupiter founder Meow's proposal, called Jupuary, intends to unify stakeholders and incentivize holding, buying, and using JUP for voting next year, particularly targeting consistent voters on proposals. The allocation seeks to benefit real users and explicitly exclude bots.

The approved airdrop sets the stage for "Catstabul," a forthcoming event where Jupiter unveils initiatives with significant implications for token utility, including a token audit, supply burn, and a refined platform strategy. Jupiter, Solana's second-largest A, has over $2.5 billion in total value locked.


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 30 Jan 25
 30 Jan 25
 30 Jan 25