
 17 Dec 24


The SEC has issued a Wells Notice to Unicoin, a crypto investment firm, signaling possible legal action over alleged fraud and the sale of unregistered securities. Unicoin's CEO denies the claims, calling them politically motivated. The SEC's focus on fraud-related charges sets this case apart from ...

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has taken action against Unicoin for alleged fraud and the sale of unregistered securities amidst heightened scrutiny of the crypto market.

Meanwhile, SEC Chairman Gary Gensler is nearing resignation, but maintains a tough enforcement stance on crypto companies.

Unicoin is disputing the SEC's claims and defending its token amidst an investigation and a planned Initial Coin Offering (ICO) block.

Unicoin received a Wells Notice from the SEC, signaling potential legal action over allegations of fraud and the sale of unregistered securities. The company's CEO, Alex Konanykhin, denies the claims, attributing them to political motives.

The SEC's focus on fraud-related charges sets this case apart from others involving crypto companies, with Unicoin claiming that the SEC aims to block its planned ICO.

SEC Chairman Gary Gensler, known for his stringent approach to crypto enforcement, is set to depart in January 2025, amidst the agency's escalated crypto regulation actions.

Gensler's tough stance on the crypto industry has been evident throughout his term, particularly following the collapse of FTX in November 2022, which he referred to as the "Wild West" of scams.

As Gensler's term concludes, the SEC is intensifying its crypto regulation efforts, exemplified by the Wells Notice issued to Unicoin, marking a departure from previous high-profile lawsuits due to the alleged fraud-related violations.


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 30 Jan 25
 30 Jan 25
 30 Jan 25