
 20 Dec 24


A recent national survey by the Emerson College Polling Center reveals that nearly one-third of young US voters, particularly those under 40, are using cryptocurrencies, with usage declining as voter age increases. The survey, based on 1,000 registered voters with a margin of error of plus or minus ...

A recent national survey conducted by the Emerson College Polling Center has unveiled some intriguing insights into the cryptocurrency landscape among US voters:

  • Nearly 30% of young US voters, particularly those under the age of 40, are actively engaging with cryptocurrencies. This percentage decreases as voter age increases.
  • Among registered voters, close to 20% have either invested in, traded, or used digital assets, with a significant portion (39%) making purchases using cryptocurrency.
  • Men are shown to be twice as likely to use cryptocurrency compared to women. Additionally, minority racial groups, such as Asian, Hispanic, or Black voters, are more actively involved in the crypto space, constituting around one-third of users, as opposed to only 14% of white voters.

Spencer Kimball, the executive director of Emerson College Polling, commented on the survey findings, stating, "Nearly one in three voters under the age of 40 have engaged with cryptocurrency. This percentage steadily decreases with age, with 28% of voters in their 40s, 17% in their 50s, 9% in their 60s, and merely 4% of voters over the age of 70 being crypto users."

This insightful data was gathered from a sample size of 1,000 voters, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3%. The survey sheds light on the increasing participation of specific demographic groups in the burgeoning cryptocurrency market.

Additional Insight:

One key factor driving the growing interest in cryptocurrency among young voters is the desire for financial independence and autonomy. With traditional financial systems becoming increasingly outdated and cumbersome, digital assets offer a more streamlined and efficient means of engaging in financial transactions.

Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards digital payments and decentralized technologies, further propelling the adoption of cryptocurrencies among younger generations.

As the crypto market continues to evolve and mature, it is essential for policymakers and industry stakeholders to closely monitor these trends and adapt to the changing financial landscape.

Source: Emerson College Polling


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