
 15 Jan 25


Blockchain technology, according to Pantera Capital, is strengthening the US dollar instead of weakening it. They argue that the technology will reverse the trend of international de-dollarization, as it allows the dollar to remain indispensable on a global scale. Pantera Capital also notes that sta...

Blockchain fortifying US dollar strength, reversing de-dollarization trend

Blockchain technology, according to Pantera Capital, is strengthening the US dollar instead of weakening it. They argue that the technology will reverse the trend of international de-dollarization, as it allows the dollar to remain indispensable on a global scale. Pantera Capital also notes that stablecoins with USD in their names and the perception of Bitcoin as a store of value are reinforcing the dollar's relevance.

Source: Pantera Capital

Blockchain technology is fortifying the strength of the US dollar rather than weakening it, according to the digital asset investment firm Pantera Capital. In a new analysis, Jeff Lewis, Pantera’s hedge funds product manager, and Erik Lowe, the firm’s head of content, write that blockchain tech will reverse a decades-long trend of international de-dollarization.

“Far from eroding the dollar’s supremacy, blockchain technology has created a digital infrastructure that fortifies it. The ability to tokenize and mobilize dollar assets globally allows the dollar to remain indispensable even as geopolitical and technological forces drive de-dollarization pressures. As J.P. Morgan noted in their report, the structural factors supporting the dollar’s dominance — deep capital markets, rule of law, and institutional transparency — remain unparalleled. Stablecoins extend these advantages to a digital, borderless context.”

Lewis and Lowe note that 18 of the top 20 fiat-backed stablecoins have the letters USD in their names. Source: Pantera Capital

They also note Bitcoin (BTC) is now increasingly perceived as a store of value rather than a medium of exchange and a threat to the US dollar. “The stablecoin/RWA (real-world asset) phenomenon has risen up to allow blockchain to make good on Bitcoin’s initial promise, by providing a means of exchange with stability and, ultimately, yield. Rather than eroding the dollar’s relevance, it is amplifying it.”


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 15 Jan 25
 15 Jan 25
 15 Jan 25