
 25 Jan 25


Ethereum (ETH) founder Vitalik Buterin expresses concern about the rise of "political coins" and memecoins like MELANIA and TRUMP, stating that the crypto sector is entering a phase where creating tokens for anything is celebrated. Buterin warns against the short-term excitement of such coins and hi...

Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin is raising concerns about the proliferation of "political coins" and memecoins in the cryptocurrency sector. He emphasizes the need to distinguish between short-term entertainment and long-term wealth-building in this rapidly evolving space.

Buterin points out the potential for large-scale political coins to become conduits for unbridled political bribery, particularly from foreign nation-states. He urges the public to prioritize the future of capital allocation mechanisms and advocates for transparent, honest token-based fundraising, especially within decentralized finance (DeFi) to mitigate the shortcomings of past Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs).

Buterin's apprehensions stem from the celebration of creating tokens for virtually anything, giving rise to memecoins like MELANIA and TRUMP. He highlights the distinction between short-term, "sugar-high" excitement and sustainable wealth creation, cautioning against promoting imprudent investments to newcomers.

Additionally, Buterin stresses the importance of selectively accelerating defense within areas such as DeFi, aligning with the quest for transparent and informed investment decisions. He articulates the need for a balanced approach, focusing on fostering integrity and resilience while advancing innovative alternatives.


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 25 Jan 25
 25 Jan 25
 25 Jan 25