
 25 Jan 25


Billionaire Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) is reportedly considering the use of a public blockchain to enhance transparency and efficiency in government operations and spending. The initiative, which aims to cut government costs, is in talks with various existing public block...

Billionaire Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) is reportedly considering the use of a public blockchain to enhance transparency and efficiency in government operations and spending. The initiative, which aims to cut government costs, is in talks with various existing public blockchains. The report suggests using a blockchain to monitor spending, handle payments, data, and potentially manage government buildings.

The DOGE initiative, associated with Musk's favorite cryptocurrency, Dogecoin, was discussed during President Trump's campaign and became official after his election win. Musk aims to achieve $2 trillion in government cuts, but there have been conflicting statements on the target amount. Senator Elizabeth Warren has raised concerns about potential corruption. The specific blockchain to be used in the initiative has not been disclosed.


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 25 Jan 25
 25 Jan 25
 25 Jan 25