
 31 Jan 25


The article discusses the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) adoption on jobs in India, citing a report by Ernst & Young (EY) India. It highlights the projected productivity boost and economic reshaping due to GenAI adoption, as well as the challenges and opportunities for businesses a...

AI adoption in India is projected to impact 38 million jobs, contributing a 2.61% productivity boost to the economy. The latest Ernst & Young (EY) India report indicates that GenAI adoption could result in an additional 2.82% growth in the unorganized sector. EY's analysis reveals that only 15% of enterprises currently have GenAI workloads in production, with the technology sector leading the adoption. However, skill shortages pose a significant obstacle, with talent gaps identified as a key challenge by 97% of executives. Furthermore, the cost of using AI models has plummeted, making them increasingly accessible to enterprises. OpenAI's GPT API costs, for instance, have dropped nearly 80% in two years. Looking ahead, AI is set to become a key component of the India Stack, serving as digital public infrastructure to support next-generation platforms. Recommendations from the report include the launch of the India Dataset Platform and fast-tracking the deployment of AI use-case development, particularly in sectors like healthcare, agriculture, and education. The IndiaAI Mission aims to procure over 10,000 GPUs in a public-private partnership to address India's computing capacity needs and develop a high-end AI ecosystem. The integration of an enterprise blockchain system is also recommended to ensure data input quality and ownership for AI.


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 31 Jan 25
 31 Jan 25
 31 Jan 25